Thoughts from our experts

We aim to lift, empower and inspire others. Here you can find expert advice from the Primal team to guide your strength journey. Our Thoughts from Our Experts provides everything from training advice from our athletes, insights from our product teams to stories from our community to inspire you. 

Strength Training: A Powerful Ally for Mental Health

Strength Training: A Powerful Ally for Mental Health

Strength Training: A Powerful Ally for Mental Health The power of strength training goes beyond the physical it can offer a wealth of benefits for our overall health. This Mental...

Strength Training: A Powerful Ally for Mental Health

Strength Training: A Powerful Ally for Mental Health The power of strength training goes beyond the physical it can offer a wealth of benefits for our overall health. This Mental...

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The Primal Story

The Primal Story

In 2016, Steven Rinaldi ignited the spark of PRIMAL® from his own home. With an extensive background in strength training, manufacturing, and sales, Steven envisioned revolutionising the gym floor from...

The Primal Story

In 2016, Steven Rinaldi ignited the spark of PRIMAL® from his own home. With an extensive background in strength training, manufacturing, and sales, Steven envisioned revolutionising the gym floor from...

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Strength Training For Women

Strength Training For Women

At PRIMAL, we believe that strength is for everyone. However, there is still a common misconception that strength training is only for men, and that women should stick to cardio...

Strength Training For Women

At PRIMAL, we believe that strength is for everyone. However, there is still a common misconception that strength training is only for men, and that women should stick to cardio...

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Empower Your Inner Strength: Celebrate International Women’s Day with PRIMAL

Empower Your Inner Strength: Celebrate International Women’s Day with PRIMAL

International Women’s Day was founded to celebrate the achievements of women across the world while also recognising the importance of striving for further equality. At PRIMAL we believe that strength...

Empower Your Inner Strength: Celebrate International Women’s Day with PRIMAL

International Women’s Day was founded to celebrate the achievements of women across the world while also recognising the importance of striving for further equality. At PRIMAL we believe that strength...

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Be Part of Our Community and Share Your Strength Story

Be Part of Our Community and Share Your Strength Story

At PRIMAL®, we believe that strength is in us all. We want to hear your strength story and what strength means to you. We're inviting you to share your passion...

Be Part of Our Community and Share Your Strength Story

At PRIMAL®, we believe that strength is in us all. We want to hear your strength story and what strength means to you. We're inviting you to share your passion...

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Setting Goals for 2023

Setting Goals for 2023

Now one week into 2023, many of us are thinking about our goals for the year. Setting goals is one piece of the puzzle but staying motivated and achieving them...

Setting Goals for 2023

Now one week into 2023, many of us are thinking about our goals for the year. Setting goals is one piece of the puzzle but staying motivated and achieving them...

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The Stoltman Brothers Join The Primal Team

The Stoltman Brothers Join The Primal Team

Having worked with the brothers back in 2018 when they first opened the Stoltman Strength Centre we are proud to have Tom and Luke Stoltman as part of the Primal...

The Stoltman Brothers Join The Primal Team

Having worked with the brothers back in 2018 when they first opened the Stoltman Strength Centre we are proud to have Tom and Luke Stoltman as part of the Primal...

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Kettlebell movements to incorporate into training

Kettlebell movements to incorporate into training

Part of our ethos our culture, what we represent, our spirit and efforts to support individuals in realising their potential is resilience. The ability to endure, adapt and recover from...

Kettlebell movements to incorporate into training

Part of our ethos our culture, what we represent, our spirit and efforts to support individuals in realising their potential is resilience. The ability to endure, adapt and recover from...

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